Day 41 of #90DaysOfDevOps
To implement AWS ALB, Launch two EC2 instances with user data to install the server (httpd) and modify the index.html files for the identification of two different servers.
Verify both servers by visiting the IP address.
After successfully working servers, Go to "Security Groups" and create one with HTTP [https and ssh (optional)]
Then create security group.
After this, Go to "Load Balancer" in the left panel of the EC2 dashboard.
Click on the Create button below "Application Load Balancer".
Then on the next page, fill name of the load balancer.
Next, choose VPC and different availability zones.
Below network, select security group.
Then in the Listener and routing, crate target group.
It will open a new tab and form for creating a new target group.
Click on instance.
Then select both EC2 instances and click on "include as pending health check" and "register"
Now come back on the load balancer tab and refresh the listener and routing action.
Select target group that just created.
Click on "Create Load Balancer".
Goto the dashboard of load balancer.
After a few minutes, the load balancer will be fully loaded and will show active. Then copy the DNS name and open it in a new tab.
Refresh it a couple of times, it will change the server.
Thank You.