Serverless CI/CD

Serverless CI/CD

This project involves developing a ToDo application with a serverless architecture

This project is continue with the previous project: Serverless Deployment of a ToDo application. Check this blog:

Lets begin with implementing CI/CD.

After successfully deploying the project, visit the serverless website and log in.

Go to Apps > Select the service (project) > Click on 3 dots > Click Settings.

In the settings, select CI/CD. then connect GitHub and AWS one by one.

For AWS, use Access key ID and Secret access key.

After successful connection,

  • Repository settings

    • Choose the repository and the path of the serverless.yml file (./ is root folder)
  • Build settings

    • Select region and machine size. (This is where the serverless will create a machine for build)
  • Branch Deploys

    • Select the branch and stage.
  • Notifications

    • Choose service for notification of deployement such as Email.

That’s it. Now let’s make some changes in the repository.

After a bit change, I am going to commit the change.

Now, go to the serverless website, select project. You will get the deploying status.

After a while, the status will be changed.

You can check the above image for the successful status.

The update is also reflecting on the api:

That’s it. In this blog, we have successfully configured serverless CI/CD for a ToDo app.

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